Set Intentions To Grow Your Business

Set intentions to grow your business by getting them written down. I know the power of pen to paper to set these intentions, but I hate my hand writing 😉

Setting intentions, my vision board, goal setting and manifesting all happen digitally for me on a private Pinterest board and Trello.

This is a practice that really works. I always thought it was so woo-woo and if I could go back, this is the one thing I wish I would have commited to much earlier in growing my business.

At first, I started with just writing 5 things that I am grateful for, I still do this daily. Then I began to search for journal prompts and looked to my mentors. One month I told myself, commit to this practice for one month and then I could decide if this was not for me.

The shift was pretty instant. I became serious about going from solopreneur to CEO and setting my intentions transformed all these ideas I had into actionable goals.

There is no pressure with intentions because it is not the same as goal planning. I focus on one intention for the month and see where that takes me.

The transformation really started to happen when I realized this is exaclty why I love what I do, I teach online business owners and marketing teams to adopt an intentional digital, social and content strategy to authentically attract dream clients with ease. 

Laying out a plan to grow a dream business together with a dream life, made everything feel so much more possible without ever having to worry about the how.

I now knew exactly where I wanted to go and got very intentional with my time, what my everyday looked like, the clients I wanted to work with and created services that would make an impact.

This is the key to success. Get those dreams and intentions written down on paper or digitally, practice this consistently and watch your business grow.




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