Office Hours Together

Another day, another one of my kids is home sick….It is a gift to be able to snuggle and be home to comfort my kids when they don’t feel well. When I became a mom in 2013 I was two years into starting my business and my why changed. I went from wanting the freedom to work from anywhere to wanting the freedom to spend more time with my kids and Mr. Socially Savvy. In 2023 I suddenly found myself with our twins becoming tweens and out of the baby phase with our youngest starting first grade. While I am so grateful I can be home for sick days, I am always leading a double life between mompreneur and entrepreneur.

I now find myself at horse back riding lessons, dance classes, acro tumbling sessions, cheer leading practice and on the soccer field, seven days a week, along with plenty of sick days. It sounds insane just reading that schedule but the truth is, it’s what works for my family. My kids are happy, and they love being part of all these sports and activities. I love watching them master their own things instead of policing them to not go on electronics and eat us out of the house when they are home. This schedule also means bed times got later, and instead of opening my laptop I relish nights with Mr. Socially Savvy on the couch with our latest TV show. I know this does not work for everyone and this is why their is no manual for parenting, just like there isn’t for business. What works for you may not work for someone else.

But this schedule is not mompreneur friendly. This past year as we headed out of Covid times and back to in person events going from zero to a hundred pretty quickly I found myself dealing with a lot of imposter syndrome, feeling less then, and anxiety. As an introvert who is also an empath, the energy it takes to be with people in person can sometimes be crippling. Then you throw in having to think about outfits, hair and makeup, the driving time, along with dividing and conquering who will get the kids to all these activities, and I found myself missing those Covid days where we had round table coffee chats on Zoom. The question that kept coming up, I miss community but in person just doesn’t feel aligned.

If you are reading this and feeling, Jess me too, you are missing community but looking for one online, then come join me once a month on Zoom for one hour of Office Hours Together. Come in your pjs, work out gear, or dress to the nines, favorite beverage in hand, and let’s see where this goes. I will share my favorite 5 minute meditations, a journal prompt and affirmation for the month. Because these are things that have been a game changer in my business and if you are interested, you can try it out too. Send me what you are currently struggling with in your business and let’s hang out and chat about it. You can be open about your struggle or let me know if you want it to be anonymous. I am excited for this time together and for new connections!

First Office Hours Together, Monday June 10th 1PM EST, Click here to register. All our welcome and feel free to invite and share with all your business friends.



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